312 poze   34227 vizite


Golden sky and black full moon
Staged hand-made night
Torn apart with my favorite devil
I kissed the prince.

The blue light and thin brochure
I feel it is too high, though
Because the devil was sold
I bought it
Planning is
Work hard

Every day is handmade too
I write a diary and decorate it with flowers
Even if the night is over and evening comes again
I dreaming my favorite song

Handmade City & Handmade Home

Second feeling is the best
I want to sing hated words
Keep your mind clear
I will make it as fun as possible
Do not hate it.

It looks like something every day
Even though I'm an idol, I'm laughing.
Let's do something for a moment
Every day it's handmade

Every day it's handmade
I play the guitar and decorate you
Even if the night is over and evening comes again
I dreaming with my favorite song
Handmade City & Handmade Home

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